A downloadable game

this is just a simple project i made to test a few things, mainly how fast you can hit wall with the bounce command before the player object just ceases to exist, also to see more how the score command works. this project will get revisited at some point to add a few small things (listed below) but other than that its complete 

how to score-bounce the car off the walls (every hit is worth 1000 points, and if you touch the red wall at the bottom =game over

things I do plan to add-

-pinball sound effects for bouncing off walls (i want to record an actual pinball machine for this)

a timer as i could not fully figure out how to set it up so i scrapped it, initial version runs infinitely (added into the game on 11-28-2021)

also I couldn't decide between weather to consider this a prototype or released



bounce test game v1.0 (version without the timer).zip 2.1 MB

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